Technological and applied studies (TAS) is mandatory for all students in Year 7 and 8. Students can also select from a range of elective TAS subjects.
In TAS, students use a range of tools, materials and techniques in the design process and technological experiences through theory and practical lessons. As well as the mandatory study of technology, students can select from a range of elective TAS subjects.
The continuum of technology learning is:
- Based on students becoming increasingly sophisticated in their ability to design and produce solutions for authentic needs and opportunities
- An option for student specialisation in high school through a range of syllabuses addressing particular technologies and aspects of design.
Available courses
Stage 4
Technology (Mandatory) Years 7–8
The study of Technology Mandatory in Years 7–8 enables students to become responsible users of technologies and designers of solutions. Through the practical application of knowledge and understanding, students develop skills in the safe use of a range of technologies to design, produce and evaluate solutions to identified needs and opportunities.
Knowledge and understanding of technological content is developed through pedagogical approaches, such as project and problem-based learning. Through the production of innovative solutions to contextually relevant problems, students are provided with opportunities to use a variety of thinking strategies, embrace new concepts and learn through trialling, testing and refining ideas. The practical nature of Technology Mandatory engages students in design and production activities as they develop safe practices and refine skills working with varied materials and production technologies. These authentic learning experiences provide students with a sense of satisfaction and are the foundation for life-long learning.
The Technology Mandatory syllabus provides opportunities to reinforce and integrate knowledge and understanding from other subjects in the Years 7–10 curriculum. The diversity of learning experiences provided in Technology Mandatory encourages both independent and collaborative learning and the skills in designing, planning, managing and evaluating are transferrable across the curriculum. Technology Mandatory builds on Science and Technology K–6 and provides broad experiences in a range of contexts that are further explored in Technology electives in Years 7–12.
The opportunity to investigate problems, generate ideas and produce sustainable solutions develops skills and attitudes that are valued in our society and are integral to Australia’s economic future. The skills and capabilities developed by students through the study of a variety of technology contexts can be applied to further education, and career opportunities in design, technology, engineering, science, mathematics and related fields.
The Technology Mandatory Years 7–8 syllabus outcomes are presented as:
- Skills
- Knowledge and Understanding
Context Areas include:
- Digital Technologies
- Agriculture and Food Technologies
- Engineered Systems
- Material Technologies
Design Projects
Design Projects involve the design, production and evaluation of quality solutions that are functional and meet identified needs or opportunities. Students undertake four design projects across Years 7–8.
Design and Production Folios
Students develop design and production folios documenting evidence of the application of a design process and the specific technologies used in production. Students produce a minimum of four design and production folios across Years 7–8.
A design and production folio includes ideas, sketches, drawings, experimentation, samples, research, photographs, details of construction and evaluation.
Practical Experiences
To satisfy the requirements of the syllabus, students undertake a range of practical experiences that occupy the majority of course time. Practical experiences allow students to develop skills and confidence in the use of a range of hand and machine tools.
Student Projects from Years 7-8:
Food and Agriculture:

Self Watering Systems:

Textiles based projects:

Stage 5
Food Technology
The aim of the Food Technology Years 7–10 Syllabus is to actively engage students in learning about food in a variety of settings, enabling them to evaluate the relationships between food, technology, nutritional status and the quality of life. Students develop confidence and proficiency in their practical interactions with and decisions regarding food.
Through the study of Food Technology, students are aware of the development of technology and its impact on the individual, society, the environment and the food industry. Students have understanding, knowledge and skills of a range of processes, resources and technologies, including computer software, appropriate to the planning, preparation, manufacture, experimentation and plating of food.
Students have a body of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes and apply these in a practical manner. Students express ideas and opinions, experiment and test ideas and demonstrate responsibility in decision-making in a safe learning environment.
Students reflect on and evaluate decisions made in relation to solutions for specific purposes with regard to food at a personal level, and also consider the social implications of these in a variety of settings.
Course structure and requirements
Food Technology Years 7–10 is an elective course designed to build upon the Technology Mandatory Years 7–8 course. Outcomes for Stage 4 have been included to allow flexibility for those schools who wish to offer the course in Years 7 and 8.
Food Technology can be offered as a 100-hour or a 200-hour course. Students undertaking the 100-hour course are required to complete 3–4 focus areas. Students studying the 200-hour course are required to complete 6–8 focus areas.
Focus areas
There are eight focus areas:
- Food in Australia
- Food Equity
- Food Product Development
- Food Selection and Health
- Food Service and Catering
- Food for Specific Needs
- Food for Special Occasions
- Food Trends.
Practical experiences
To satisfy the requirements of the syllabus, students must undertake a range of practical experiences that occupy the majority of course time. Practical experiences allow students to develop skills and confidence in the use of a range of equipment. Student capability, confidence and expertise at their current stage of development are important considerations in determining the teaching and learning sequences in the course.

Textiles Technology
The aim of this syllabus is to develop confidence and proficiency in the design, production and evaluation of textile items. Students actively engage in learning about the properties and performance of textiles, textile design and the role of textiles in society.
Students apply knowledge and understanding of the properties and performance of textiles through the study of fabrics, colouration, yarns and fibres. Investigations, experimentation and project work enable students to be discriminative in their choices of textiles for particular uses. Students are discerning in their design and construction of textile items and are informed textile consumers, relating performance criteria to intended use of a textile item.
Students select and use appropriate language and a broad range of media to accurately communicate technological ideas to a variety of audiences for a number of purposes. In the production of supporting documentation students demonstrate skills in communicating ideas in written and graphical forms using freehand and/or computer software.
Areas of study
There are three areas of study:
- Design
- Properties and Performance of Textiles
- Textiles and Society.
Focus areas
Focus areas are recognised fields of textiles that direct the choice of student projects.
The focus areas are:
- Apparel – includes clothing and accessories such as shoes, hats, scarves, jewellery and belts
- Furnishings – includes cushions, curtains, bedspreads, lampshades, quilt covers, bed linen, chair coverings, table linen, beanbags
- Costume – includes theatre costumes, masks, headdress, folk and traditional costumes, fancy dress costumes and dance costumes
- Textile Arts – includes wall hangings, fabric-based artworks, embroidery, wearable design
- Non-apparel – includes book covers, toys, bags, umbrellas, tents, backpacks, surfboard covers.
Project work
There are two components of project work:
- Development of practical skills to produce a textile item
- Documentation of student work.
Practical experiences
To satisfy the requirements of the syllabus, students must undertake a range of practical experiences that occupy the majority of course time.
Focus areas are intended to encourage students to engage with a range of textile items and cater for a variety of student interests. They provide options for students to refine and enhance their knowledge and understanding of textiles using a variety of materials, tools and techniques.
Some of student work:

Information and Software Technology
The study of Information and Software Technology assists students to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to solve problems in real life contexts. Through experiential and collaborative tasks, students engage in processes of analysing, designing, producing, testing, documenting, implementing and evaluating information and software technology-based solutions. Creative, critical and meta-cognitive thinking skills are developed through students’ practical involvement in projects.
Essential content
The core content cannot be taught in isolation: it must be integrated with options in the form of projects. Options should be planned to allow all of the core to be taught over the course of study. The core is divided into the following areas:
- Design, Produce and Evaluate
- Data Handling
- Hardware
- Issues
- Past, Current and Emerging Technologies
- People
- Software.
Options allow for the integration and application of the core content. Teachers should select options that use school resources and consider student interest, teacher expertise and local community resources. The options are:
- Artificial Intelligence, Simulation and Modelling
- Authoring and Multimedia
- Database Design
- Digital Media
- Internet and Website Development
- Networking Systems
- Robotics and Automated Systems
- Software Development and Programming.
Projects include organised series of activities to design, produce and evaluate information and software technology solutions for an identified need or problem.

STEM Education is the learning of science, technology, engineering and mathematics in an interdisciplinary or integrated approach.
iSTEM is a School Developed Board Endorsed Course (SDBEC) which has been approved by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) and forms part of a student’s academic record in NSW.
iSTEM incorporates the following areas:
- Mechatronics
- Aerodynamics
- Biotechnology
- Engineering
- Statistics
- Surveying
- Aerospace and Motion modules
Stage 6
Subjects offered
Community and Family Studies
Community and Family Studies Stage 6 aims to develop in each student an ability to manage resources and take action to support the needs of individuals, groups, families and communities in Australian society.
Community and Family Studies utilises an ecological framework to investigate the interactions among the individual, family, community and society. Recognition of the interdependence of the individual and other groups is central to the framework. Consequently, this syllabus focuses the Preliminary course on the individual and their interactions with personal groups, family and community. The HSC course builds upon this by examining how the wellbeing of individuals, families and communities is affected by broader societal influences including sociocultural, economic and political factors.
Community and Family Studies can have a direct and positive influence on the quality of students’ lives both now and in the future. During the school years, students are confronted with an awareness of their emerging identity as young women and young men. Community and Family Studies investigates the unique contributions of individuals, groups, families and communities in the development of effective social structures. It encourages opportunities for students to become proactive members of society as they examine both their potential to adopt a range of roles and the responsibilities they have in contributing to society.
Preliminary course modules include:
- Resource Management
- Individuals and Groups
- Families and Communities
HSC course, core modules:
- Research Methodology
- Groups in Context
- Parenting and Caring
HSC course option modules, to select one of the following options:
- Family and Societal Interactions
- Social Impact of Technology
- Individuals and Work
In the Parenting and Caring unit, students will be responsible for the care of an interactive manikin baby and gain valuable firsthand experience at being a parent.

Food Technology
Food Technology Stage 6 aims to develop an understanding about food systems and skills that enable students to make informed decisions and carry out responsible actions. Students will also develop an appreciation of the importance of food to the wellbeing of the individual and to the social and economic future of Australia.
As a part of the Preliminary course, students study:
- Food Availability and Selection
- Food Quality
- Nutrition
HSC units include:
- The Australian Food Industry
- Food Manufacture
- Food Product Development
- Contemporary Nutrition Issues
The Food Industry Farm Visit:

Information Processes and Technology
Information Processes and Technology Stage 6 is designed to enable students to become confident, competent, discriminating and ethical users of information technologies, to possess an understanding of information processes and to appreciate the effect of information systems on society.
The Information Processes and Technology Stage 6 course, teaches students about information-based systems. It covers the processes of collecting, organising, analysing, storing and retrieving, processing, transmitting and receiving, and displaying, as well as the technologies that support them. With this background, students will be well placed to adapt to new technologies as they emerge.
As a part of the Preliminary course, students study:
- Introduction to Information Skills and Systems
- Tools for Information Processes
- Developing Information Systems
HSC units include:
Core Units:
- Project Management
- Information Systems and Databases
- Communication Systems
Option Strands (40%)
Students will select TWO of the following options:
- Transaction Processing Systems
- Decision Support Systems
- Automated Manufacturing Systems
- Multimedia Systems
Software Design and Development
The Software Design and Development Stage 6 Syllabus is designed to develop in students the knowledge, understanding, skills and values to solve problems through the creation of software solutions.
The major focus of the course reflects the traditional structural approach to software development and the top-down development of source code. Although there are other more modern approaches available, the framework of fundamental concepts taught in this course leads to deeper understanding by students, enabling greater flexibility in developing software solutions using newly available technology and languages in the future.
The computing field, particularly in the area of software design and development, offers opportunities for creativity and problem-solving and a collaborative work environment where working with people and exploring issues is an integral part of the job. It is critical that students of both genders have the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary to pursue the many new, exciting and highly paid employment opportunities that exist in the field.
The study of Software Design and Development promotes intellectual, social and ethical growth. It provides the flexibility to be able to adapt in a field that is constantly changing, yet vital to the Australian economy.
Preliminary Course includes:
- Concepts and Issues in the Design and Development of Software
- Introduction to Software Development
- Developing Software Solutions
HSC Course structure:
Core strands:
- Development and Impact of Software Solutions
- Software Development Cycle
- Developing a Solution Package
Study one of the following options:
- Programming paradigms
- The interrelationship between software and hardware
Textiles and Dxesign
Textiles and Design Stage 6 is designed to enable students to understand and appreciate the nature and significance of textiles and to develop confidence and competence in the selection, design, manufacture and application of textile items.
This syllabus investigates the science and technology of textiles through a study of properties and performance, allowing students to make informed consumer choices in the textiles area. Technological and practical skills are developed and enhanced through the use of textile-related technologies, including those that are computer‑based. The concept of design elements and principles, as being both functional and aesthetic and as part of the creative design process, are examined within the specialised field of textiles.
This course investigates textiles in society and promotes a greater understanding of the significance of different cultures and their specific use of textile materials.
Through the area of study relating to the Australian Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Allied Industries, the course offers students the opportunity to explore advances in technology, current issues facing the industry and employment opportunities
Preliminary Course includes:
- Design
- Properties and Performance of Textiles
- Australian Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Allied Industries
HSC Course structure:
- Design
- Properties and Performance of Textiles
- Australian Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Allied Industries
- Major Textiles Project
Students select one focus area through which they develop a project, which includes supporting documentation and textile item/s:
- Apparel
- Furnishings
- Costume
- Textile arts
- Non-apparel
- Students will demonstrate the development of manipulative, graphical, communication, research, decision-making, management and manufacturing skills
Major Textiles Projects

VET Hospitality – Food and Beverage
Industry curriculum frameworks provide students with the opportunity to gain industry-recognised national vocational qualifications under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) as part of their NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC).
HSC courses within industry curriculum frameworks count as Board Developed unit credit for the HSC. Frameworks include an HSC examination which provides the opportunity for students to have this HSC examination mark contribute to the calculation of their Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).
Hospitality focuses on providing customer service. Students learn skills that can be transferred across a range of industries and provides a pathway to the world of work in various Hospitality settings, such as restaurants, hotels, motels, catering operations, clubs, pubs, cafés, and coffee shops.
Course structure
This course consists of:
- three mandatory focus areas (containing four associated units of competency)
- stream focus areas:
- Food and Beverage (containing four associated units of competency)
- a range of elective units of competency which can be selected from the stream not already undertaken and/or the HSC elective pool
- HSC Content – for the mandatory and stream focus areas.
- mandatory HSC work placement requirements.
Strathfield Girls High School runs an Art Espresso Coffee Shop
The smell of freshly brewed coffee has been wafting through the SGHS grounds. Our school Art Quad has been the site of an incredible transformation this year with the recent addition