Vision Statement:
The study of English is a mandatory subject for all students in NSW from Kindergarten to Year 12.
Throughout their secondary school education, our students develop vital active reading, visual literacy, critical thinking and interpretative skills in responding to, and authoring, texts of increasing complexity, literary value and multi-modality.
At Strathfield Girls High School, our students are met with diverse opportunities to hone their interpersonal, communication and public speaking skills through dialogic learning, procedural questioning, communities of inquiry, debating, impromptu speeches and tutorial-style presentations.
At our school, each cohort is given a chance to be exposed to the Arts or immersed in the world of Literature by attending dynamic theatre productions, creative writing workshops, Shakespeare masterclasses, guest author talks, poetry readings or academic lectures.
Our English faculty is committed to cultivating a love of literature and encouraging our students to become independent, lifelong learners who are willing to collaborate with others. In our facilitation of positive learning environments, we continue to build confidence in each of our students so that they may feel empowered and validated to share their voice.
By guiding our students through structured reading and writing processes, we as educators model best reflective practice and provide detailed, varied feedback to support our students’ learning. As a team, we are committed to equipping our students with the necessary ICT skills and ethical considerations so that they may successfully navigate the challenges of an ever-changing and increasingly online, public forum beyond school.
In Year 11 and 12, the study of English is mandatory. Courses offered include:
- English Advanced
- English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D)
- English Extension 1
- English Extension 2
- English Standard
- English Studies
The Elective Courses offered include:
- Film Studies
- Drama